Quench your Thirst: The Best Beverages to be Drinking


We all know that we should be drinking more water – probably due to the fact that our body is comprised of 80% water and it’s essential for life. But how do other beverages such as alcohol, soft drinks, coffee, and juices fare up? Read on to find out which are poor, better, and the best beverage options for the next time you want to quench your thirst.


Soft Drinks and Soda

This is one beverage you simply don’t need – apart from being acidic and extremely high in sugar, soda contains high levels of phosphorous that can cause calcium loss, eventually leading to bone loss and osteoporosis. They also act as diuretics, stealing water from the body. To replace the water stolen by soft drinks, you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water for every one glass of soft drink that you consume!

Not even...

Diet sodas containing artificial (zero calorie) sweeteners like Aspartame have been linked to arthritis, birth defects, Alzheimers, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. Artificial sweeteners are toxic and carcinogenic, and cause the brain to produce less serotonin. They are not good alternatives to regular soft drinks.



Alcohol raises the level of hydrocholoric acid in our stomachs, affecting our digestive process and making us feel bloated. Alcohol and beer also increase blood sugar levels and fat storage (ever heard of a beer gut?). Some alcohol may contain urethane, a cancer-causing chemical. Alcohol abuse, at an extreme case, can cause infertility, cancer, infectious diseases, cardiovascular disease, shrinking of the cerebral cortex, and altered brain function.

In addition, when having a hangover the next day, we tend to eat poorly and make unwise food choices. Instead of a healthy breakfast high in fiber and protein, we may reach for a greasy meal of bacon and sausages.

Level up...

Choose organic red wine without sulphites (additives) - it should say “No Sulfites Added” (NSA) on the bottle. Organic red wine is high in cancer-fighting antioxidants, can reduce risk of stroke and lower cholesterol.

In conclusion, there is nothing wrong with some alcohol at a social function once in a while – but drink in moderation and choose a better option when possible.


Ever experienced a high followed by a crash from caffeine? Too much of it can cause headaches, digestive problems, stomach irritation, ulcers, diarrhea/constipation, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. It affects the nervous system, raises stress hormone (cortisol) levels and has a negative effect on adrenal function. When topped with dairy milk, whipped cream and artificial sweeteners, like many of us do at our favourite coffee shops, this makes our coffee beverage even unhealthier!

Not even...

Decaffeinated coffee is still acidic – it causes the body to produce fat cells to keep the acid away from our organs.

Level up...

A cup of matcha or chai tea has a quarter to a third the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee. In addition, the benefits of matcha include increased metabolism, a clean source of sustained energy and a calming effect. Gram for gram, matcha also has the highest amount of antioxidants (even higher than goji berries). Have your matcha or chai tea with non-dairy milk and no added sugar to make this a good beverage.

Even better...

For a great beverage, try caffeine-free herbal tea! For example, decaffeinated green tea has anti-aging and antibacterial properties, fights cancer, combats allergies, and lowers blood pressure.

Fruit Juice

Pure fruit juice may sound healthy, but is high in sugar (fructose) and does not contain any fiber. This means it will still cause a spike in blood sugar and insulin levels.

Level up...

Have a green juice or green smoothie (where some fiber is retained). This is a good way to get in your serving of greens for the day, especially if your juice or smoothie contains more greens than fruit. Try greens like spinach, kale, romaine, ginger, lemon, or coriander in your drink.

Even better...

Just eat the WHOLE fruit! Fruit is great when eaten in its whole food form, as all the fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients are retained.



The most important liquid, water keeps the body clean and detoxified, flushes out toxins, helps with digestion and elimination of waste, and keeps us fuller for longer.

Level up...

If you are having difficulty drinking enough water, try infusing it with lemon or other fruit and vegetables (berries, lime, mint, cucumber, celery) to improve the taste.